Letters can found below dates for this half term.

These are the events for this half term. Further details, including times, can be found in the letters below.

Week Ending 19.07.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Academic Success For Our Pupils  

Whole School – Harding Herald 

Whole School – Praise Document 

Whole School – Trips and Experiences 2024-25 Letter 

Whole School – Looking After School Bunnies For The Summer Holidays 2024 

Whole School – INFORMATION Buckinghamshire Lottery Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Instrumental Tuition 2024-25 Letter 

Whole School – Sneaky Summer Learning Letter 

Whole School – Sneaky Summer Learning Document 

Whole School – INFORMATION Closing of the William Harding Twitter Account  

Whole School – INFORMATION Gold School Award Success Letter 

Whole School – No Excuse For Abuse Letter 

Whole School - Bucks Council Family Centre Open Mornings 

Whole School - Bucks Council Berryfields Family Centre Open Morning Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Council Steeple Claydon Satellite Family Centre Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Council Wing Family Centre Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Council Elmhurst Family Centre Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Council Southcourt Family Centre Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Free Online Courses For Parents and Carers 

Whole School – NHS Bucks Healthcare Health For Kids Poster 

Whole School – NHS Bucks Healthcare School Health Zone Document 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Starting Reception Course For Parents and Carers 

Year 2 – Pantomime Trip Letter 

Year 6 (MUSU) - INFORMATION Forest School

Year 7 (MUSU) - Primary School Leavers Letter 

Year 7 (MUSU) - INFORMATION Final Day Arrangements Letter  

Week Ending 12.07.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Soft Start to School Day After Euro’s Cup Final – 15th July 

Whole School – INFORMATION Elm Farm Parking Restrictions – Informal Consultation Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Elm Farm Parking Draft Restriction Map 

Whole School – INFORMATION Elm Farm Parking Restrictions General Consultation Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Hedges on Hazlehurst Drive Letter 

Whole School - INFORMATION Supporting Your Child With Transition Letter 

Whole School – Updated Who to Contact Information 

Whole School – Who to Contact Sheet 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Flyer 

Whole School – Parent Controls Booklet 

Preschool – September Settling Letter 

Reception/New Year 1 – INFORMATION Tapestry Downloads Letter 

Reception – School Nursing Service Screening Results Letter 

KS2 – INFORMATION Guitar in Schools and Drums in Schools Letter 

Year 5 & Year 6 – ACTION Mobile Phones and Walking Home Letter 

Year 5 - NEW Cliveden Class – INFORMATION Meet the Teacher Letter 

Year 7 (MUSU) - Bucks Family Learning Flyer  

Week Ending 05.07.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Rescheduled Family Picnic 12th July 2024 

Whole School – REMINDER Class Photo Order Deadline 

Whole School – INFORMATION Coat Wall Letter 

Whole School – School Pets – Holiday Homes During Summer Holidays Letter 

Whole School - INFORMATION House of Parliament School Council Visit Letter 

Whole School - Online Safety Newsletter July 2024 

Whole School – Health Care Plan Letter 

Whole School – Healthcare Plan Form 

Whole School – INFORMATION Foodbank Assembly & Collection 

Whole School - Year 7 Young Enterprise Project

Year 6 – NHS Oxford Health Secondary School Transition Webinar Flyer 

Year 6 – ACTION Performance Tickets and Timings Letter 

Year 7 (MUSU) - Forest School Information for New Year 7 Pupils  

Year 7 (MUSU) - Young Enterprise Project

Week Ending 28.06.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Pupil Survey Governors Feedback 

Whole School – INFORMATION Contactless Payments Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Election of Parent Governor: Nomination 

Whole School – INFORMATION 5 Minute Walking Bubble Letter 

Whole School – SEN News 

Reception- INFORMATION Reception Class Teacher Allocation Letter 

Year 3 to 6 – INFORMATION Instrumental Tuition 2024/25 Letter 

Year 3 to 6 – Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Lessons Letter 

Year 3 to 6 – Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Lesson Application Form 

Year 3 to 6– Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Hire Application Form 

Year 3 to 6 – Bucks Music Trust Music Centre Registration Form 

Year 3 to 6 – INFORMATION New Mozart Orchestra at William Harding School 

Year 5 – Bucks Music Trust Brass Instrumental Lessons Letter 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Transition Games Letter  

Week Ending 21.06.24

Whole School – ACTION Family Picnic Food Survey 

Whole School – INFORMATION Sports Day Thanks & Praise Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Switch Off Your Engine Letter 

Whole School – Switch Off Your Engine Information Poster 

Whole School – SEN Coffee Afternoon Letter 

Reception – School Nursing Vision Screening Parent/Carer Information 

Reception – SchoolScreener ParentPortal 

Year 2 – ACTION Beach Morning Letter 

Year 6 – ACTION Holes Film Letter 

Week Ending 14.06.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Uniform Expectation Reminder Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Trip Thank You Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Eid Mubarak Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Head Bump Procedure Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Allergies Letter 

Whole School – Understanding Food Allergies Factsheet 

Whole School – MMR Vaccinaton Letter 

Whole School - MMR Flyer

Reception – ACTION Pirate Day Letter 

Year 1 – Warwick Castle Reminders 

Year 1 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year1/NEW Year 2 24-25 

Year 2 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year 2/ NEW Year 3 24-25 

Year 3 – ACTION Woodrow Residential Trip Letter 

Year 3 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year 3/NEW Year 4 24 

Year 4 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year4/NEW Year 5 24-25 

Year 5 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year 5/NEW Year 6 24-25 

Year 6 – ACTION Leavers’ Activities Letter 

Year 6 – ACTION MUSU for Current Year 6/NEW Year 7  

Week Ending 07.06.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Cars on School Site Letter 

Whole School – Child Car Seat Check Event Flyer (5th June) 

Whole School – Child Care Seat Check Event Flyer (6th June) 

Whole School – INFORMATION School Disco Reminder Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Open Classrooms / Stay And Play Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Parking Reminder Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Trips Feedback Survey 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Everyday First Aid Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Chemistory 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Free Summer Activities Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Help Your Child Cope With Change Flyer 

Reception to Year 6 – INFORMATION Polling Day Thursday 4th July Letter 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Reception Workshops Flyer 

Year 1 – ACTION Warwick Castle Trip Reminder  

Year 3 & 4 – Bucks Family Learning Science Online Course Flyer 

Year 3 to 6 – ACTION KS2 Pencil Cases 

Year 5 – ACTION Planetarium Visit Letter  

Week Ending 24.05.24

Whole School – Harding Herald 

Whole School – ACTION Election of Parent Governor: Nomination 

Whole School – INFORMATION Our Website Letter 

Whole School – Praise For Year 2 Pupils Letter 

Whole School – Aylesbury Vale Schools Cup Winners Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Flyers For Activities, Events & Clubs Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Milkshake Friday Letter 

Whole School – FLO Focus 

Whole School - William Harding Wellbeing Newsletter

Whole School – INFORMATION Parent Event Survey Responses Letter 

Preschool – Ambulance Visit Letter 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Getting Ready for Year 1 Flyer 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Workshops 

Year 1 – Phonics Screening Check 2024 Information For Parents 

Year 1 & 2 – Bucks Family Learning Science Online Course 

Year 1 & 2 – Bucks Family Learning Support Your Child With Grammar Online Course 

Year 2 - ACTION Victorian Day Letter 

Year 3 & Y4 – Bucks Family Learning Support Your Child with Science Online Course 

Years 3 to 6 – Bucks Family Learning FREE Online Workshops 

Year 6 – Bucks Family Learning Starting Secondary School Workshops 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Jumanji Film Letter  

Week Ending 17.05.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Use of Class Dojo for Communication Letter

Whole School – INFORMATION Transition & Move Up, Stay Up (MUSU) 

Whole School – INFORMATION Sports Day Letter 

Whole School – RESPONSE Clubs Summer 2 Letter 

Whole School – NSPCC Letter 

Whole School – Praise For Year 6 Pupils Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Water Bottles in School Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Come and Read Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Family Picnic Letter 

Reception – INFORMATION Garden Fundraising Letter 

Reception – ACTION Freshstart Lunches for Gullivers Trip 

Year 3 – ACTION Year 3 Careers Assembly Letter 

Year 5 – INFORMATION Moving Up to Secondary School Letter 

Year 5 – Buckinghamshire Council Moving Up to Secondary School Information Sheet 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Sex Education Meeting Letter 

Year 6 - ACTION Year 6 Performance Tickets  

Week Ending 10.05.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Parent Friends Letter 

Whole School - School Pets During The Holidays Letter 

Whole School – SEN Coffee Afternoon Letter 

Whole School - Bucks Family Learning Everyday First Aid Workshop Flyer 

Pre-School – Bucks Family Learning Get Ready for Reception Online Workshop Flyer 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Free Online Courses Flyer 

Year 3 – INFORMATION Forest School Letter 

Year 3 – ACTION Year 3 Careers Assembly 

Year 4 – ACTION London Globe Theatre Trip Letter 

Year 6 – Bucks Family Learning Supporting Children With the 11+ Flyer 

Year 6 – Bucks Family Learning Getting Prepared for Secondary School Flyer  

Week Ending 03.05.24

Whole School – INFORMATION National Thank a Teacher Day Letter 

Whole School – Introduction to Forest School Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Parents Events Survey Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Respecting Our Neighbours Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Turn On The Subtitles Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Allergies Letter 

Whole School – Understanding Food Allergy Factsheet 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Free Skills For Life Workshop 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Adult Learning GCSE English & Maths Free Course 

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter May 2024 

Whole School – Once A Week Take a Peek Flyer 

Reception – ACTION Garden Fundraising Letter 

Year 1 – ACTION Cress Competition Letter 

Year 1 & 2 – INFORMATION Boys Toilets Letter 

Year 2 – INFORMATION End of KS1 (Year 2) Assessment Update Letter 

Year 5 – INFORMATION Secondary Transfer and Secondary Transfer Test (11+) Information for 2025 Entry 

Week Ending 26.04.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Coat Wall Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION New Teaching Space Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Main School Entrance Re-design Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Cross Country Success Letter 

Whole School – ACTION School Disco Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Football Success Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Flyers For External Activities, Events & Clubs Letter 

Whole School – Bucks Adult Learning Health & Wellbeing Open Day Flyer 

Pre-School – Bucks Family Learning Get Ready For Reception Online Workshop 

Year 5 – INFORMATION River Dart Brochure 

Year 6 – ACTION Leavers’ Hoodies Letter 

Week Ending 19.04.24

Whole School – Fresh Start Spring Picnic Theme Day Menu 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Getting Confident For Year 1 Course 

Y1 & Y2 – Bucks Family Learning Reading & Comprehension Course 

Y1 & Y2 – Bucks Family Learning Writing & Grammar Course 

Y3 &Y4 – Bucks Family Learning Writing, Grammar & Spelling Course 

Year 5 – ACTION Invitation to 11+ Information Meeting 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Year 6 Attendance Letter 

Week Ending 28.03.24

Whole School – Harding Herald Spring 2 

Whole School – INFORMATION Parent Survey Response from Governors 

Whole School – ACTION Parent Friends Letter 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Money Matters Online Course 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Getting Confident for Year 1 Online Course 

Year 1 & 2 – Sports Festival Letter 

Year 1 & 2 – Bucks Family Learning Free Writing & Grammar Online Course 

Year 1 & 2 – Bucks Family Learning Free Reading & Comprehension Online Course 

Year 3 & 4 – Bucks Family Learning Writing, Grammar & Spelling Online Course 

Year 5 & 6 – Bucks Family Learning Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Online Course 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Leavers' Activities Letter 

Week Ending 22.03.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Polling Day Home Learning Letter 

Whole School – RESPONSE Summer 1 Clubs Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Parent Friends Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Homes for Ukraine Fund Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Community Volunteering Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Reminder About Parent Events Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Refreshments at Come and Read & Easter Craft Events 

Whole School – Promoting Positive Behaviours Presentation Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Whole School Twitter 

Whole School – Wellbeing Newsletter 

Whole School – FLO Focus 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Workshops Flyer 

Reception – RESPONSE Gulliver’s Land Trip Letter 

Year 1 – ACTION Warwick Castle Trip Letter 

KS1 – ACTION Phonics Screening Check Letter 

KS2 – NHS Be Healthy Bucks Letter 

KS2 – NHS Bucks Healthcare SchoolScreener ParentPortal 

Week Ending 15.03.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Polling Day Home Learning Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Notice Regarding Early Collection of Students 

Whole School – ACTION Stranger Danger Letter 

Whole School – FLO Coffee Morning Flyer 

Whole School – SEN Coffee Afternoon Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Stall Holders Invitation At Family Picnic  

Whole School - ACTION ‘Where Sounds Best?’ Competition Letter 

Whole School – Freshstart New Deadline Time Letter 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Free Online Courses For Parents & Carers 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Volunteering Flyer  

Whole School - APF Activity Camps Easter Holiday Flyer (HAF)

Preschool - Car Park Safety Letter

Year 2 – KS1 Tests Information For Parents

Year 4 - RESPONSE Woodrow Assembly Letter 

Week Ending 08.03.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Polling Day Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Swimming Award Letter 

Whole School – Open Auditions - Roald Dahl’s Charlie & The Chocolate Factory at Waterside Theatre Letter 

Whole School – Open Auditions - Roald Dahl’s Charlie & The Chocolate Factory at Waterside Theatre Flyer 

Reception – ACTION Wild West Dress Up Day Letter 

Year 2 – ACTION Trip to Bournemouth Beach Letter 

Year 4 – Woodrow Residential Trip 

Year 6 – KS2 Tests Information For Parents  

Year 6 – Easter and Homework SATs Pack Letter 

Week Ending 01.03.24

Whole School – INFORMATION New Flyers For Activities, Events & Clubs Section On School Website 

Whole School - ACTION Comic Relief Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Closing Date For Club Bookings 

Whole School – INFORMATION Keeping the Child in Mind Programme 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Family Learning Volunteering Flyer 

Whole School – Once A Week Take A Peek Flyer 

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter March 2024 

Year 3 – ACTION Verulamium Museum Letter 

Year 5 – ACTION Odeon Cinema Trip Letter 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Goodnight Mister Tom Letter 

Week Ending 23.02.24

Whole School – Welcome Back After Half Term Letter 

Whole School – Easter Craft Afternoon Letter 

Whole School - Interhouse Competition Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Come and Read Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Parent Survey 2023/24 Letter 

Whole School – Free Online Mindful Drawing Session 

Pre-School – Violet Room Session Changes Letter 

Year 1 – Bedgrove Park & Teddy Bears Picnic Trip Letter  

Year 6 (Cardiff & Windsor Class) - Imperial War Museum Trip Letter 

Week Ending 09.02.24

Whole School - FREE Code Ninjas Coding & STEM Session for William Harding Students

Whole School - Promoting Positive Behaviours Parent Workshop

Whole School – INFORMATION Celebrating Positive Learning Behaviours Letter 

Whole School – RESPONSE Clubs Spring 2 Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Value For Spring Term 2 

Whole School – Harding Herald Spring 1 

Whole School - Sporting Achievements Letter

Whole School – Help For Families Letter 

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter 

Whole School – Spring 1 Wellbeing Newsletter 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Everyday First Aid Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Mental Health Support Team Workshop 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Storybook Ready & Phonics Workshop 

Year 1 & Year 2 – Bucks Family Learning Wellbeing Flyer 

Year 1 & Year 2 – Bucks Family Learning Tale of the Whale Story Workshop 

Year 3 & Year 4 – Bucks Family Learning Revolting Rhymes Workshop Flyer 

Year 3 to Year 6 – Bucks Family Learning Supporting Homework Flyer  

Week Ending 02.02.24

Whole School – RESPONSE Year 5 Careers Day 

Whole School – Club Survey Response Letter 

Whole School - Medication in School Letter

Whole School – ACTION Girl Guiding Uniforms For Thinking Day 

Reception - RESPONSE Pancake Day Cooking

Reception & Year 6 – School Health Screening 2023/24 Results Letter 

Year 4 – ACTION Odeon Cinema Trip 

Year 6 – Recognition and Congratulations Letter 

Week Ending 26.01.24

Whole School – INFORMATION Aylesbury South Neighbourhood Policing Team Letter 

Whole School – RESPONSE Additional Outdoor Clubs Spring 1 2024 Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Event Date Changes Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION World Book Day Letter 

Whole School – SEN Coffee Afternoon Letter 

Whole School – ASTRA Teacher Training Event Flyer 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Pre-Measurement WHS Letter 

Reception- National Childhood Measurement Programme ParentPortal Infographic 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Letter to Schools 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Parent/Carer Information 

Year 6 – INFORMATION Holocaust History Topic Letter 

Year 6 – ACTION SATs Information Meeting 

Week Ending 19.01.24

Whole School – Communication Response Times Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Clubs Survey 

Whole School – Spring Term Stay & Play (Preschool) and Open Classroom (Y1-6) 

Whole School – Regular Office Meetings Letter 

Whole School – Free Football Holiday Camp Flyer 

Whole School – Teach in Bucks Recruitment Fair 

Week Ending 12.01.24

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter 

Whole School – Parking Reminder Letter 

Whole School – NSPCC Number Day Letter 

Whole School – ACTION ‘The Big Ambition’ Survey Letter 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Letter to Schools 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Parent/Carer Information 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme ParentPortal Infographic 

Reception – National Childhood Measurement Programme Pre-Measurement WHS Letter 

Year 1 & Year 2 – ACTION Drop Offs Letter 

Week Ending 05.01.24

Whole School – ACTION Community Volunteering Letter 

Whole School – Silver Youth Sports Trust Quality Mark in PE Letter 

Reception – Buckinghamshire Family Learning Phonics Flyer 

Reception to Year 6 – ACTION Class Information Letter 

Year 3 to year 6 – Bucks Family Learning Online Safety Course Flyer 

Year 3 & 4 – Bucks Family Learning Shape, Data & Measurement Online Course Flyer 

Year 5 – Residential Visit to River Dart Country Park Letter 

Year 6 – Trustees Letter 

Week Ending 15.12.23

Whole School – Information NEW Book Club Letter 

Whole School – Harding Herald Autumn 2 

Whole School – RESPONSE Clubs Spring 1 2024 

Whole School – Come and Read Thank You Letter 

Whole School – Thanking Staff at the End of Term Letter 

Whole School – Wellbeing Newsletter 

Pre-School – Violet Room - New 2-year-old Funding Letter 

Pre-School – INFORMATION New Year Staffing Update 

Reception – ACTION Space Dress Up Day Letter 

Reception & Year 1 – INFORMATION RWI Virtual Classrooms Letter 

Year 2 – Pantomime Trip Success Letter 

Year 4 – Blenheim & Osborne School Swimming Letter 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme Results Letter 

Week Ending 08.12.23

Whole School – INFORMATION Home Reading Approach Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Oxford Reading Buddy Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Home Reading Approach Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Seeking Your Input on Workshops & Parent Sessions 

Whole School – SEN Coffee Afternoon Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Chiltern Hills Academy Admissions Policy For Entry in September 2025 

Whole School – Rotary Club Carol Float Flyer 

Whole School – Aylesbury Town Council Carolfest Flyer 

Whole School – Aylesbury Town Council Carolfest Information 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Council - Recruiting Volunteer Independent Appeal Panel Members 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Council – Independent Appeal Panel Advert 

Whole School – Buckinghamshire Council – Independent Appeal Panel Volunteer Information  

Whole School – Class Christmas Parties 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Phonics Online Course 

Year 1 – ACTION Bucks Herald Feature – Nativity Performances 

Year 1 & 2 – Bucks Family Learning Online Phonics and Reading Course 

Year 3 & 4 – Bucks Family Learning Shape, Data & Measurement Online Course 

Year 3-6 – Bucks Family Learning Online Safety Course 

Year 5 & 6 – Bucks Family Learning Online Writing Course 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme 2023/24 Reminder 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme 2023/24 Information 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme ParentPortal 

Week Ending 01.12.23

Whole School – Attendance Letter 

Whole School – Safeguarding Letter 

Whole School – William Harding Mission Vision & Values 

Whole School - Family Links Nurturing Workshop Poster 

Whole School - Buckinghamshire Adult Learning – English For Health & Wellbeing Flyer

Whole School – Festive Jumper Day  

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter December Issue 

Whole School – Understanding Low Attendance at Online E-Safety Session 

Whole School – John Colet School – Admissions Policy For Entry in September 2025 

Reception – ACTION Festive Baking Letter 

Reception – ACTION Spare Clothing Amnesty Letter 

Year 4 – Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) Letter 

Year 5 – ACTION River Dart Parent Meeting Letter 

Year 6 – New Date For National Childhood Measurement Programme 2023/2024 

Week Ending 24.11.23

Whole School – Children in Need Total Donations Letter 

Whole School - HAF Football Camp Flyer 

Whole School – ASTRA Teacher Training Flyer 

Whole School – School Pets Holiday Homes During Half Term Breaks Letter 

Reception & Year 1 – Phonics Read Write Inc (RWI) Information Workshop Letter 

Year 1 - Notification of a Department for Education Study Letter 

Week Ending 17.11.23

Whole School – Reception Tours 2024 Letter 

Whole School – KS2 Pupil Experiences Letter 

Whole School - Buckinghamshire Family Learning Volunteering Flyer 

Whole School – ACTION Come and Read Letter 

Whole School – HAF Christmas Club at Waddesdon Village Primary School 

Whole School – Invitation Link For Online Internet Safety Session For Parents 

Whole School – Dr Challoner’s High School – Admissions Policy Letter 

Whole School – Dr Challoner’s High School – Admissions Policy 

Reception – ACTION Christmas Concert Letter 

Reception to Year 6 - ACTION Christmas Craft Afternoon Letter 

Year 1 – ACTION Nativity Letter 

Year 2 – ACTION Year 2 DT Fruit Salad Making Letter 

Year 5 – ACTION Greek Day Letter 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme 2023/24 Letter 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme Information Leaflet 

Year 6 – National Childhood Measurement Programme Parent Portal 

Week Ending 10.11.23

Whole School – Updated Who To Contact Sheet 

Whole School – Parents' Evening Letter 

Whole School – Children in Need Day Letter 

Whole School – Aylesbury Town Council Event – Christmas On The Cobbles Letter 

Whole School – Aylesbury Town Council Event – Christmas On The Cobbles Flyer 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Volunteering Workshop Flyer 

Whole School – Family Support Service Primary School Application Workshop 

Whole School – Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Admissions Policy Letter 

Year 1 – Updated Entry Procedure 

Year 2 – ACTION Pantomime Letter 

Year 3 – ACTION Waddesdon Manor Trip Letter 

Week Ending 03.11.23

Whole School – Return to School Letter 

Whole School – Assistant Head Staffing Change Letter 

Whole School – Permission For Students To Wear Uniform - Remembrance Day 10th November 

Whole School - Admission Arrangements For Aylesbury High School Letter 

Whole School – Admission Arrangements For Princes Risborough School 

Whole School – Travelling Book Fair Letter 

Whole School – Fresh Start Christmas Lunch Flyer 

Whole School – Teach In Bucks Recruitment Fair Flyer 

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Money Matters Online Course Flyer 

Year 2 – Wendover Woods Letter 

Year 3 – ACTION Mead Open Farm Trip Letter 

Year 5 – Remembrance Assembly Letter 

Year 6 – River Dart Letter 

Week Ending 20.10.23

Whole School – Play Streets

Whole School - Harding Herald

Whole School – Wellbeing Support

Whole School - Parents' Evening

Whole School - Clubs

Whole School - Harvest Success

Whole School - FLO Focus

Whole School - Treatment of Staff

Whole School - Oxford Reading Buddy

Whole School - Football Success

Whole School - Inter House Competition

Whole School - Flu Vaccination Briefing

Whole School - Flu Vaccination Letter

Year 3 and 4 - Fractions Course

Year 5 and 6 - GSM Course

Year 5 and 6 - Walking home and Mobile Phones

Reception - Bucks Herald

Week Ending 13.10.23

Whole School – Charles Pope Memorial Trust Grants Letter 

Whole School – Flu Vaccination Letter 

Whole School – Poppy Appeal Letter 

Whole School – Parental Survey Letter 

Whole School – FLO Coffee Morning Letter 

Whole School – Lingotot French Autumn Theme Half Term Camp 

Whole School – Premier Holiday Camps Flyer 

Whole School – Aylesbury Music Centre Open Day Flyer 

Whole School – Aylesbury Music Centre Timetable 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Money Matters Online Course 

Whole School – Bucks Family Learning Early Maths Skills Course 

Whole School – Seriously Fun Swimming Schools Swimming Lessons Flyer 

Whole School – Instrumental Tuition – 2023/24 Letter 

Whole School – Bucks Music Trust 2023/24 Letter 

Whole School – Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Lesson Application Form 

Whole School – Bucks Music Trust Instrumental Hire Application Form 

Whole School – Drums in Schools Flyer 

Whole School – Guitar in Schools Flyer 

Year 6 - ACTION Imperial War Museum Trip Letter 

Week Ending 06.10.23

Whole School – Individual School Photo Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Y1-6 Open Classrooms & Pre-School/Reception Stay and Play Letter 

Whole School - Parking Reminder Letter 

Whole School – School Counsellor Support Letter 

Whole School – Base Sports Clubs Flyer 

Whole School – 5th Aylesbury Scout Group Letter 

Whole School – 5th Aylesbury Scout Group Beavers & Cubs Flyer 

Reception – RESPONSE Exotic Animal Experience Letter 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Free Online Schools Courses Letter 

Reception – Bucks Family Learning Free Online Schools Courses Flyer 

Year 1 – ACTION Woodside Animal Farm Trip Letter 

Year 1 – RESPONSE Careers Day Speaker Request Letter 

Year 2 – ACTION Wendover Woods Trip Letter 

Year 4 – ACTION Viking Day Letter 

Year 6 – St Michael’s Catholic School Admissions Information Letter 

Year 6 – St. Michael’s Catholic School Letter 

Year 6 – St. Michael’s Supplementary Information Form  

Week Ending 29.09.23

Whole School – ACTION Vision Values and Mission Parental Survey Letter 

Whole School – INFORMATION Whole School Twitter 

Whole School – Parental Code of Conduct Letter 

Whole School – Online Safety Session For Parents & Carers Letter 

Whole School – Careers Day Letter 

Whole School – Pupil Premium Funding Letter 

Whole School – ACTION Harvest Festival Celebration Letter 

Whole School – Online Safety Newsletter October 2023 

Year 2 – ACTION Pantomime Trip Deposit Letter 

Year 2 – INFORMATION Harvest Festival Letter 

Week Ending 22.09.23

Whole School – Family First Quality Mark Review Letter 

Whole School – William Harding Pilot School Letter 

Year 1 – REMINDER Dojo Login Letter 

Years 5 & 6 – Buckinghamshire Family Learning Support Your Child With Maths Online 

Year 6 – Aylesbury Vale Academy Open Event Letter 

Year 6 – Open Events at Aylesbury Vale Academy Letter 

Year 6 – Open Events 2023 Aylesbury Vale Academy 

Week Ending 15.09.23

Whole School – Return to School Letter 

Whole School – SLT Staffing Update 

Whole School – Important Reminder: Respectful Behaviour Towards Staff Letter 

Whole School – RESPONSE Autumn 1 Clubs Letter 

Whole School – Additional Counsellor & Parent Advice Sessions Letter 

Reception – ACTION Bucks Herald First Class Feature Letter 

Reception – RESPONSE Careers Week Volunteers 

Reception – ACTION Careers Dress Up Day 

Year 3 – Gate Letter 

Year 3 & 4 – Buckinghamshire Family Learning Support your Child with Maths Course 

Year 4 – Woodrow Residential Trip Letter 

Year 4 – ACTION Ascott & Waddesdon Swimming Letter 

Year 5 & 6 – Bikeability Level 2 Cycle Training Course 

Year 5 & 6 – Bikeability Consent Form 

Year 5 & 6 – Bikeability Check Your Bike Checklist 

Year 6 – Trustees Letter 

Year 6 – River Dart Travel Arrangements Letter 

Year 6 – John Colet School Open Events Information 

Week Ending 08.09.23

Whole School – New Office Role Letter 

Whole School – Who to Contact Sheet 

Whole School – Parking Letter 

Whole School - Online Safety Letter September 2023 

Year 4 – RESPONSE Chiltern Open Air Museum Trip Letter 

Year 4 Ascott and Waddesdon – ACTION Swimming Letter 

Years 5 & 6 – Mobile Phones and Walking Home Letter 

Year 6 – Secondary Transfer Test Reminder Letter

Whole School - September Gates Letter