Welcome to Reception

We are delighted to welcome you to Reception year group web page - this page will develop with more information over the school year. We hope that you will find all the information here that you require, if you have any suggestions we will be pleased to hear from you.

Parental Information

‘How to support your child at home’ presentation

Reception Teachers

The Teachers in Reception for 2024/25 school year are:

Miss Beaney (Reception Lead Teacher) - Bluebell

Miss Brown - Buttercup

Mrs Dempsey and Miss Furness - Honeysuckle

Miss Stevens and Miss Clark - Daffodil

If you have any queries or concerns across the year please contact your class teacher. You can do this by emailing the school office in the firsts instance.

EYFS Vision;

For children; pupils who are happy, enthused, curious, safe, have a love of learning. We cater for our diverse demographic by giving all children what they need including a range of experiences, books and vocabulary to develop the breadth and depth of their knowledge. We want our children to leave Early years as well-rounded individuals with an understanding of our school values, SMSC and British values as well as strong social skills and confident in their wellbeing.

For staff; we want our staff to be skilled and confident to carry out our vision through having a passion for Early Years and wanting the best for our pupils. We want our staff to feel confident to have some autonomy to try new ideas and get involved in decisions and planning around the children’s learning and interests. Staff should be knowledgeable about all areas of learning to enable them to push learning forwards ensuring all children make good or better progress. Our leaders offer a bespoke support and CPD programme to allow staff members to grow and develop their knowledge and skills to further support the development of the children in our setting.

For environment; We want our environment to offer a wide range of resources to support the development of cultural capital, awe and wonder and learning opportunities. Our environment is enticing, reflects the various cultures within our community. We have a strong focus on communication so our environment is print rich, interactive, engaged, changes regularly to reflect the children needs and interests as well as promoting independence.       

For standards; We aim to offer the best standards possible in early reading and maths supporting all children to make good or better progress. We have designed our curriculum to ensure we are striving for the best for all children based on their start points through regularly challenging and scaffolding their learning to enable them to be ready for next stage in their education.

Reception Aims;

  •                 To provide an opportunity for children to reinforce skills, reflect and build upon their learning in the classroom.

  •               To further foster the partnership between home and school for the benefit of your child

  •                    To involve parents (and other adults) in pupils’ work

  •                    To encourage the development of independent study

  •                    To encourage the development of pupils’ organisational skills, self-discipline and confidence

Our expectations in Reception;

  • Please note: These expectations will be added and built on throughout the year as and when the children are ready for them.                   

  • Reading – children will be sent home logins to our online reading portals to enjoy at home. 5 – 10 minutes daily practise.

  •                      Children are encouraged to find out information, bring in books or object of interest or a similar related task pertaining to the focus topic being carried out.

  •                      Tapestry – sharing with you what the children do at school as well as you sharing with us what you do at home together.

  • Independence -encouraging the children to do things independently is really important as they move through the school. This includes getting dressed, cutting food, putting coats and shoes on.


Please find below a list of Qualifications held my staff in the Reception team.

Miss Nichols - CACHE NNEB Diploma in childcare, CACHE Level 5 Diploma - Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services

Mrs Stanley - Level 3 in Childcare and Education

Mrs Charlton - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, Canada, Certificate of Professional Practice in the Kodàly Concept of Music Education, (Primary), Commensurate with HE1 (NVQ level 4)

Miss Rashid - Level 3 in childcare and education


Below is a sample timetable which reflects a typical week in Reception. Please read the current newsletter for details on your child's class PE Days.

Autumn timetable

Spring timetable

Summer timetable


Please find our newsletters below;

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Please see the ‘how to support learning at home’ page for details on how to support your child. 


Reading Rocks

We promote reading at home with our ‘Reading Rocks’ initiative. Class teachers will check the reading record books each week and award Dojo points to individual children accordingly and the class with the most points at the end of the half term will win a prize! Children read in school everyday during RWI lessons and have opportunities to choose books during the Early Bird session and choosing time. Teachers and TAs will listen to individual children read as often as the needs of each child requires. We also try to read stories to the classes daily to develop the love of reading. Therefore, it is important for each child to have their reading book and record book in school with them every day, even if they are not yet ready to change it.

Phonics and ‘Fred Frog’

In Reception we focus learning to blend words to support children’s developments in reading and spelling. As the the children begin to read books with words, they will need some support at home with blending the sounds to make the words. We use ‘Read Write Inc’ to teach phonics in Reception, so you will hear the children refer to ‘Fred Talk’ (using sounds to sound out and decode words). Supporting the children with ‘Fred talk’ will help them to progress further in their reading.

For more information on RWI click here

Phonics support at home - workshop


In Reception we use a lot of different materials for art activities and junk modelling. We are asking for donations of the following items to help us to further enhance the children’s learning.

  • Boxes

  • Shaving foam

  • Yoghurt pots

  • Oil

  • Corks

  • Table salt

  • Bottle lids

  • Flour

  • Cotton wool

  • Googly eyes

  • Corn flour

  • Feathers

We are also asking for donations of items such as;

  • any spares school uniform

  • Spare knickers/pants

  • Baby wipes

  • Tissues

  • Toilet wipes

  • Kitchen roll

  • Nappy sacks

  • Hand soap

  • Washing up liquid

Any donations would be greatly appreciated