

At William Harding we are passionate about teaching phonics in order for our children to learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. A good understanding of phonics also supports their spelling so that they can focus on composing what they write. Phonics skills underpin academic achievements but also personal well-being and life-long success

Our aims:

·        For pupils to apply phonics skills not only across the curriculum but in the wider world

·        Offer a systematic and consistent approach to teaching phonics

·        promote engagement and whole class participation


Phonics is taught systematically from Pre-school to KS2 as needed, using the Read Write Inc (RWInc) programme. Children are taught in ability groups.  RWInc is a method of learning centered on letter sounds and phonics. We use it to aid children in their word decoding, comprehension skills and spelling strategies.   Our overview ensures coverage, consistency and high expectations across the school, but also allows teachers to adapt to the individual needs of pupils and cohorts.

We run daily phonics lessons and booster sessions, tailored to the needs of the children. The children at William Harding School enjoy their RWInc lessons and the challenges set to them as the lessons are pacey and engaging. They are then able to use the skills they learn in other areas of the curriculum, supported by the RWInc displays consistent in every learning space. RWI strategies are used across the curriculum.

Children are assessed half termly and children move groups as needed. The RWI leader and deputies monitor and evaluate phonics teaching and offer CPD to staff.

The strategies in the RWInc lessons mean that children are well prepared for their Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1. The RWInc approach allows us to group the children according to their needs so they learn to blend and segment with sounds that they are familiar with. This promotes confidence in word decoding, as well as being taught new sounds. Common exception words are also taught so that children can recognise them in the stories that they read. Repetition of stories helps to develop the children’s fluency of reading, so RWInc books, that match the children’s phonics level are read at home using the online ebook platform. This allows children to read decodable story books.

The RWInc strategies that pupils at William Harding will use regularly and are embedded across the school and the curriculum;

  • 'Fred Talk' for blending

  • 'Fred Fingers' for spelling

  • 'Special friends' for diagraphs and trigraphs

  • 'Perfect Partners' for developing pupil voice and confidence

  • 'Magnet Eyes' for good learning behaviours

More information and guidance about RWInc can be found on the Ruth Miskin website. Please click here to find out more.

William Harding School Phonics Overview


 The aim of our approach to teaching Phonics is that pupils will;

  • have developed detailed phonics knowledge and skills across the curriculum that they can also apply in the wider world

  • be passionate and enthusiastic readers, writers and speakers

  • have an understanding of a broad range of vocabulary

Here is the PPT from our most recent Parent Presentation about RWI.