Along with the school we offer a Pre-school provision for children aged between 2 and 4 years old.
If you are interested in your child attending our Pre-school setting please contact the Pre-school directly at
Please check out the preschool section on our website for further information and to find an application form.
Admissions into Reception to Year 6
As a school maintained by the local authority, William Harding School must adhere to Buckinghamshire County Council admission and appeal arrangements. As a result the County Council will manage all admissions, a copy of the Primary community and voluntary controlled schools admissions policy can be found here.
Deferred places/out of year group
If you wish your child to start school a year later or be taught out of their chronological age group, this information can be found in the Admissions guidance above.
Please follow the link below for the Council's admission link to apply for a school place.
Follow this link to apply for a Reception place
Once Buckinghamshire County Council has notified parents that a place at our school has been allocated, you will be contacted by the school office to arrange a visit to the school for you and your child. Once a place has been accepted you will need to complete an application pack which provides us with important information about your child, we will also need to see the child’s birth certificate and a utility bill as proof of address.
William Harding School is a four form entry. Our admission numbers are as follows:
Reception = 120
Year 1 = 120
Year 2 = 120
Year 3 = 120
Year 4 = 120
Year 5 = 120
Year 6 = 120
Admission Criteria
Places are allocated according to the following criteria, in order of priority:
Children living in the area normally served by the school (as agreed with the Admissions Authority)
Younger siblings of older children who will still be in attendance at the School on the date of admission
Children with exceptional medical or social needs, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional
In the event of over-subscription, once places have been allocated under criteria 1-4, the remaining places will be awarded according to the proximity of the child’s home to the school, as measured by the nearest available route. This is from the front door of the child’s home to the school’s nearest entrance gate.
If you wish to appeal a decision about a school placement click here.
The link will take you to Buckinghamshire Councils Appeal a primary school decision page and will give you all the information you need to help you make your appeal including the timetable for appeals.