You asked... We did…
We feel at WH that it is important to work together to ensure our school offer is the best it can be for our pupils, staff and families. Here are just some of the things we have implemented to improve the experiences of our community.
You said you would like more car parking
We have made more space available in the overflow carpark
You said that you would like a break between the end of the school day and the start of parents evening
We have scheduled a 20-minute gap between the end of the day and first appointment. We also have scheduled 2 x 15 minute breaks to enable you to have a break
You said you would rather not get emails outside of school 'business' hours
We have reminded all staff about sending emails at appropriate times
You said you would like time to meet and get to know the Governors
We have arranged termly informal governor get togethers
You said you would like more focus on wellbeing and work-life balance
We have set up a wellbeing committee to specifically address wellbeing and work load
We regularly send out surveys covering all areas of school life to see how we could best support our parents/carers
You asked for shorter drop off times so you don’t have to wait for so long
We reduced drop off to 5 minute windows
You asked for sessions to be held either in the morning or early evening
We will plan sessions to be in the mornings and early evenings
You asked for sessions to be no longer than 1 hour
We will plan sessions to last between 30mins and 1 hour
You asked that sessions be both face to face and online
We will plan sessions to be both online and face to face including a recorded version that can be accessible for parents/carers at a time that suits them
You told us that you find academic based and parenting support information sessions are of most interest
We will continue to deliver SATs, Phonics and E-Safety sessions and develop other academic support sessions e.g. how to support your child in maths/reading/writing as well as sessions to support parents/carers with behaviour/resilience
You asked if we were going to have face to face and virtual parents evenings as choices
We have organised parents evenings so that the late evening is a face to face option and the second evening is a virtual option. This means families can choose the night and the option that best suits you.
You asked where to find Inset days quicker and easier
We have moved the Inset days to the top of the Term Dates and Events page and there is now a quick link at the top of our home page on the website
You asked for an improvement in our Year 6 girls toilets
We have made a change so are going to have a separate toilet for the girls and improvements will be made over the half term to ensure that it is comfortable, easily accessible and secure. We have made this decision to ensure that our girls’ feel relaxed in school and that they have got an improved offer
You asked as parents of pupils with SEN that the reports show the levels the pupils are working at more clearly
We have adapted the reports to show clearly the level the pupil is working at
You asked for information about where things are on the website and a search feature
We have reduced the number of folders/tabs, added a search feature and sent out a document listing where you can find things on our website
You wanted easier gate access for drop off and pick up
We have introduced a system of gates that are set for each year group for your ease. We have also staggered timings for drop off and pick up to ease the congestion for you as families
You asked about seeing the pupils books more often
We have ensured Open Classrooms events take place so that you can enjoy your child’s books with them
You asked about reading
We have introduced Oxford Reading Buddy to support reading at home, this is an online reading platform that is easily accessible, alongside your child’s class and school reading book
You wanted more clubs for the pupils
We have introduced clubs this year for all pupils in all year groups both internal and external
You asked to know what clubs were coming up in advance
We know let you know what clubs are being held before the term starts
You asked for easier access to lost property
We have now placed KS1 and KS2 lost property by the pupil gates for your ease
You asked to have more notice for events
We have worked to create an overview of all events and this is on the event page
You asked for more consistency with homework across year groups
We implemented a new homework policy with clarity for all around expectations for each year group
You asked for more events per year group
We have introduced year group opportunities for families to come into school as well as Open Classrooms
You asked for better communication and not so many emails
We have streamlined our Schoolcomms and now send out an email once a week guiding you to letters and information which is all on our website
You asked for better communication with the SEND team
We have introduced SEN Coffee Mornings with our new SENDco
You asked for consideration for SEND pupils with homework
This has been reviewed and bespoke plans in place for SEND pupils
You asked for year group news to be shared
We have introduced a new Harding Herald format with a section for each year group
You wanted it to be easier to book disco tickets
The PTA have looked into and will be setting up on line ticket buying for your ease!
We sent out a survey to parents to ask about improvements to behaviour and the school in general
You asked about support for SEND pupils
We will make it explicit in the new Behaviour Policy how we adapt the policy already to support SEND pupils. We use wellbeing plans to ensure that we have a bespoke plan for all pupils who need additional support, strategies or consequences
You asked for more activities for playtimes, especially on the KS2 playground
We are already planning to improve the KS2 playground. We raised money through recent PAWHS events. We are planning to purchase play equipment, add playground markings and add game boards to the fences
You asked that we check letters to ensure parents have all of the information they need
We will ensure letters include everything that parents need to know about trips and events
You asked for the ability to book wrap around care at short notice and for ad hoc sessions
We are moving to an external provider for wrap around care. Parents will now be able to book the timings of the session to suit their needs and will only pay for the length of session they want to have. In addition, parents will be able to book ad hoc sessions and can book sessions up to the night before
You asked to ensure trips covered a range of subjects
We have reviewed our trips for 2023-24 to ensure that they cover a range of topics
You asked that we continue to increase the number of clubs and types of clubs we offer
We will continue to look at offering a wide range of after school clubs
You asked that we promote activities at school on social media
We are planning to increase our social media exposure further and share all the great things we do with the community