
At William Harding we want to ensure that our curriculum is not only tailored to our pupils’ interests and needs but also ensures they are ready for life in the wider world. We believe in subject based lessons where pupils can articulate and have a passion for subject based learning. We currently work with the Knowledge Schools Trust on their Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) to ensure that our provision for History, Geography, DT, Science and Art is a ‘carefully sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum which aims to inspire pupils, promote excellent outcomes for all and overcome inequality of opportunity.’

'We are a subject discipline school so pupils develop a love of subjects and can dream of becoming an Historian, Artist or Ecologist and have the knowledge and skills to succeed.'

What is a Knowledge-Rich Curriculum?

A knowledge-rich curriculum at William Harding;

·         places powerful knowledge at the heart of the curriculum

·         has carefully chosen content

·         is organised in a coherent way, ensuring it builds from year to year

·         is cumulative, constructing firm foundations from which children can build conceptual understanding and skills over time

·         is an entitlement for every child, regardless of background

·         is coherent and ensures that teaching does not jump from topic to topic, but enables children to develop knowledge and a love of learning

We have focused our review on what content should be taught, in what order, whilst reflecting upon what children remember and how they remember it. The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) has been developed in line with current thinking on how children learn. Importantly, findings from cognitive science are beginning to influence practice in the classroom.

An essential element of a knowledge curriculum is the development of a broad and rich vocabulary, and the ambitious and explicit teaching of this. The vocabulary content of the Primary Knowledge Curriculum has been planned with the purpose of addressing the ‘word gap’ for children who enter school with a limited vocabulary.


We worked with the Knowledge Schools Trust (KST) on a pilot to share the Primary Knowledge Curriculum through training and professional development opportunities.  Our Senior Leaders worked with the PKC Curriculum Leader to highlight areas of strength and areas for improvement and identified clear next steps to support with action planning.

Our staff have also visited KST schools to witness the PKC in action as well as undertaking Insets and staff meetings led by the PKC Curriculum Leader.  High quality CPD alongside teacher text books and CPD emails, to support teacher subject knowledge, detailed knowledge-based planning and resources ensures that teachers are well equipped to deliver a high quality curriculum.


Aims of such an education for our pupils;

·            to be knowledgeable about content and the world around them

·            to recognise the connection between significant events and people and how they have influenced the modern world

·            to transform their minds so that they are able to make reasonable and informed judgements

·            to ensure they can engage fruitfully in conversation and debate

·            to develop confidence that comes from possessing a store of essential knowledge and the skills

·            to recognise their own role in becoming a responsible global citizen

·            to have a sub-set of knowledge and the accompanying vocabulary that will maximize chances of leading rich and fulfilling lives