Training and Development
At the beginning of each academic year all staff attend whole school Safeguarding Training. This is delivered by the Safeguarding Team and ensures staff are clear of the roles and responsibilities related to Safeguarding and ensures that they are clear of the schools policies and procedures.
At the beginning of each staff meeting there is a 10 minute Safeguarding update for staff which focuses on continuing professional development and sharing knowledge and important updates.
Mrs Bone (FLO - Family Liaison Officer) and Mrs Skinner (DSL) have completed train the trainer training and are able to deliver this training. Mrs Skinner and Miss Cotchin are also a Home Office accredited Prevent (WRAP) trainers.
All staff on the Safeguarding Team undergo training every year following the Buckinghamsire Council Designated Safeguarding Lead training pathway.
As well as this training, the Designated Safeguarding lead attends forums and briefings to ensure knowledge is kept up to date and then cascades this back to the Safeguarding Team and school staff.
It is also the role of the Designated Safeguarding Team to ensure all staff have appropriate and up to date training.
New staff, and volunteers, are given induction training when they join the school. The training covers school policies, national policies, (including Keeping Children Safe in Education), and use of our reporting systems.