At William Harding School, it is our policy that all pupils should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos, create a sense of pride and community and are safe. We are very proud of our uniform which all children wear.
Black shoes with flat heel. Trainers and boots, including ankle boots, are not permitted to be worn in school. Wellingtons or warm boots can be worn to travel to school if necessary due to weather, however, pupils should change into school shoes once school starts. Shoes should not be over styled with buckles or adornments.
Headwear including Headscarves, Hats, Caps and Hoodies
Headscarves, if worn, should be plain blue and are available from Bucks Schoolwear Plus. They should not require a pin or brooch to secure it. It should fit close to the head and not hang loose.
Any hairbands, bows or bands should be functional and not cause any distraction or danger. They should follow the school clothing policy and not be decorative or over large and be navy blue in colour to match the school jumper or cardigan. Hats, caps and hoodies, that are worn to travel to and from school, should be taken off/down when inside the school building and outside when it is not break or lunch time.
Pupils are not permitted to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are:
A suitable watch that will not interrupt learning or cause distraction
Single ear-ring studs only e.g. small plain gold or silver stud
Small items of jewellery for religious observance
If your child has pierced ears, earrings should be studs only and must be removed for all PE lessons or covered with tape. Staff are not allowed to remove earrings, pupils will need to do this independently or not wear them at all on P.E. days. Staff cannot take responsibility for the loss or safekeeping of jewellery.
Haircuts should be smart and suitable for school. Hair long enough to be tied back, must be tied back at all times using suitable plain hair bands. Any accessories should be functional, not decorative and navy blue in colour as above.
Pupils are not permitted to have ‘extreme’ haircuts or coloured hair that disrupts learning and is not smart.
Make Up, Cosmetics and temporary tattoos
Make up and cosmetics are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform. We do not permit such products to be worn by any children, unless there is a specific event for which the Headteacher has given permission. If a child is wearing nail polish/temporary tattoos the pupil will be expected to remove at the office and will be supervised to do so.
The Role of Parents
We ask all parents who send their children to William Harding School to support this Policy for School Uniform. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly and safely dressed and ready for their school day. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child follow this policy and has the correct uniform and correct PE Uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.
William Harding School welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are justifiable reasons, for example on religious grounds, why a parent would wish their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such requests. Any request to modify the school uniform should be made to the Head teacher.
Cardigans, jumpers and polo shirts with a logo can be purchased from Bucks Schoolwear Plus.
Items of uniform do not have to have the school logo on them. Items without a logo can be purchased from any retailer or purchased as pre-loved / second hand uniform. The FLO can support families to purchase pre-loved uniform from the school. Details of our supplier for logo items are below with a link to their website.
School Uniform Supplier
Bucks Schoolwear - Click here
Unit 11, The Vale Industrial Estate
Southern Road
HP19 9EW
Open Mon-Sat (excluding Sundays & Bank Holidays) please check their website prior to visiting to confirm seasonal opening hours.
Second hand uniform
We have some second-hand pre-loved items available to purchase from school at a cost of £1 per item. Please contact a member of the FLO team to discuss.