Instrument Tuition

William Harding School works with several providers of instrumental lessons to offer pupils a range of opportunities to study and explore music.

Should pupils be interested in taking up an instrument, parents/carers are advised to book directly with these organisations.  (Details can be found below.)

Guitar lessons

Please see information below from Guitar in Schools, run by James Manders.

If your child is in Year 3 or above and keen to learn the guitar, Guitar in Schools offer 20-minute guitar lessons to KS2 children during the school day, once a week.  Please visit  for full details and an online enrolment form.

Beginners will need a good-quality classical nylon string guitar and the Frets & Fingers beginners’ book to get started on. (Frets & Fingers Book only available from Guitar in Schools)

Pupils must be willing to practise regularly at home.

Drumming lessons

For Drum Kit lessons, please see information below from Drums in Schools.

If your child is in Year 3 or above and keen to learn the drums, Drums in Schools offer 20-minute Drum Kit lessons to KS2 children during the school day, once a week. Please visit  for full details and an online enrolment form.

Pupils do not need a drum kit to get started; beginners can practice at home using a pair of sticks and a practice pad and play the full kit in the drum lessons.

Instrument Lessons by Buckinghamshire Music Trust

Bucks Music Trust (BMT) is our local Music Hub in Aylesbury, which offers lessons in all instruments, including strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, piano and voice.    Please see below for further information and application forms, including details of subsidies. 

The lessons can either be taught in school or at the nearest Music Centre out of school hours.

For pricing information, please go to:

For registration forms, please go to:

NB. BMT offers subsidies to promote opportunity for all children.

Subsidies can be applied to all fees, including Music Centre memberships and BMT is absolutely committed to ensuring that all children can have the opportunity to access lessons.

  • Students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM): 50% reduction

  • BMT will arrange for the school to support families eligible for FSM by subsidizing the remaining 50% of lessons fees using Pupil Premium so that lessons are 100% subsidised.

  • Siblings 2nd child: 20% reduction , 3rd child: 40% reduction, each subsequent child: 60% reduction

  • If your financial situation is such that you are not eligible for FSM but find that the headline fees are challenging, they have other bursaries available on application of up to 50%.  Their assessment process is confidential and focused on their mission to make sure that all music is available to all children.