The role of the Governing body
Ensure the school Child Protection Policy reflects the unique features of the community it serves and the needs of the students attending its provision. This will be reviewed at least annually
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Child Protection Policy and be satisfied that it is being complied with.
Ensure safer recruitment policies and procedures and followed and that the Single Central Record is up to date and completed.
Recognise the importance of the role of the DSL ensuring s/he has sufficient time, training skills and resources, as necessary to be effective
Ensure measures are in place to have oversight of how the school’s delivery on its responsibilities are exercised and evidenced, following up with the Head Teacher any identified gaps in practice or where procedures may not have been followed
Recognise the contribution the school can make to helping children and young people keep safe, through incorporation of safeguarding within the curriculum
Ensure safe and effective recruitment policies and disciplinary procedures in place, which adhere to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE 2021) and legislation referred to therein.
Ensure the needs of pupils for early intervention and Child Protection are fully understood and resources allocated to meet identified needs
Support the DSL to complete an Annual Safeguarding Report for Governors, demonstrating how our school is meeting its statutory responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, ensuring a copy of this report is shared with the Education Safeguarding Advisory Service within the recommended time frame
Chair of Governors to liaise with relevant agencies if any allegations are made against the Headteacher. If there are concerns that issues are not being progressed in an expedient manner
The Nominated Governor for Child Protection will be familiar with Buckinghamshire procedures, Local Authority procedures and guidance issued by the Department for Education