Performance Information
Here you will find information regarding our performance as a school.
Academic Year 2023-2024
EYFS (Teacher Assessed)
49% GLD (Baseline 18% entry)
KS1 Phonic Screening Check 2023 (Teacher Assessed)
75% met required standard
81% of base met required standard (pupils who started in Reception in September)
KS2 Attainment 2024
77.2% Expected Standard - Above National 74%
33.3% Greater Depth
106.3 Average Scaled Score
Writing (Teacher Assessed)
69.1% Expected Standard - Below National 72%
7.3% Greater Depth
107.2 GPS Average Scaled Score
78.9% Expected Standard - Above National 73%
33.3% Greater Depth
105.7 Average Scaled Score
Combined RWM
64.2% Expected Standard - In line with National 61%
4.9% Greater Depth
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
74% Expected Standard - Above National 72%
39.8 % Greater Depth
Performance measures
As a school we must include a link to the school and college performance measures website and your school’s performance measures page. No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022.
Please note that the 2019 data is now out of date please see our 2023 data above.
Academic Year 2022-2023
EYFS (Teacher Assessed)
55.5% GLD - Below National
KS1 Phonic Screening Check 2023 (Teacher Assessed)
80% met required standard - Above National 79%
77% Boys met required standard
82% Girls met required standard
KS1 Attainment 2023 (Teacher Assessed and Moderated by the Local Authority)
70% Expected Standard - Above National 68%
14% Greater Depth - National 18%
41% Expected Standard - Below National 60%
0% Greater Depth - National 8%
70% Expected Standard - In line with National 70%
13% Greater Depth - National 16%
KS2 Attainment 2023
74% Expected Standard - Above National 73%
36.5% Greater Depth
106 Average Scaled Score - Above National 105
Writing (Teacher Assessed)
64% Expected Standard - Below National 71%
2.4% Greater Depth - National
105 GPS Average Scaled Score - In line with National 105
79% Expected Standard - Above National 73%
29.4% Greater Depth
106 Average Scaled Score - Above National 104
Combined RWM
59% Expected Standard - In line with National 59%
2.4% Greater Depth
KS1 - KS2 Progress measures 2023
+2.19 - Significantly above National
Boys 2.62 - Significantly above National
Girls 1.85 - Above National
+0.01 - Not significantly different to National
Boys 0.82 - Not significantly above National
Girls 0.69 - Not significantly different to National
+2.28 - Significantly above National
Boys 4.42 - Significantly above National
Girls 0.54 - Not significantly different to National
Note: Progress scores are a relative measure where the national progress score is equal to zero.
Please click on the links below for previous years KS2 Attainment information.