
At William Harding school we ensure a consistent approach to behaviour. Although we have consequences for unacceptable behaviours, we focus on rewarding positive choices and encouraging positive learning behaviours.

Behaviour Policy 2023-24

Some pupils have additional behaviour needs. Those pupils will be supported through bespoke behaviour plans.

We also seek advice and support from external agencies where needed. We work with CAMHs, school nursing and the Pupil Referral Unit to provide support for pupils.


PRU - Pathways Primary Pupil Referral Unit
Units 1 and 2
The Abbey Centre
Weedon Road
HP19 9NS

Tel: 01296 387300

Zones of Regulation

To support our children in self regulating, we run twice half termly ‘Zones of Regulation’ sessions. These sessions help the children to identify their emotions as well as giving them strategies to self-calm. Please see the slides below for more information:

Click here.

Promoting Positive Behaviours with Your Child Presentation

This presentation, explores effective strategies and techniques to support you in promoting positive behaviours in your child/children at home.

The presentation covers the following topics:

  • How the brain develops and works 

  • The crisis cycles 

  • Consistency 

  • The power of praise 

  • Managing meltdown moments 

  • Getting back on track 

  • How to get more help