Personal Development Curriculum
At William Harding our intent has been to construct and deliver a personal development curriculum that is academic and beyond which is;
developing pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy
developing pupils’ character, which we define as a set of positive personal traits, dispositions and virtues that informs their motivation and guides their conduct so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others
how well leaders develop pupils’ character through the education that they provide
the quality of debate and discussions that pupils have
Key parts of our personal development curriculum are;
British Values
Sex and Relationships Education
E-safety education
Healthy lifestyles
Wellbeing sessions
Careers Curriculum
School values
We deliver part of our personal development curriculum through Primary Edge from PIXL. The purpose of these resources is to provide teachers with a progressive suite of session plans and materials to support the teaching of the five attributes of the Primary Edge that our pupils need; Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication.
We believe it is essential that the LORIC character attributes are not just taught as discrete lessons, but woven into activities across the whole curriculum. That way, pupils will be able to appreciate how character development plays a meaningful role in enhancing everything they do.
For each attribute, there are 3 sessions (4 for Leadership) for Y1-6. KS1 – Challenger, Lower KS2 – Contender and Upper KS2 - Challenger. Each session may be delivered in its entirety or split into shorter sessions over a half term.
We also deliver character and culture sessions from PiXL. We cover My Mind, My Health, My Life and Mind to be kind (kindness, respect and causing no harm). These elements are covered in weekly wellbeing sessions. The explore a range of personal attributes and how we can use and develop them.
We hope that from our personal development curriculum William Harding pupils’ character will have been developed so that they reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others. Fully ready to interact and live within society successfully.
If you would like to find out more about our Personal Development curriculum, please email the office FAO Mrs Skinner