Please note if your child attends all day you will be allowed to attend only one session either AM or
PM with the Violets participating in the morning session only.
Families are asked to arrive at 9.15am. Please line up outside the green Poppy gate. Staff will open this and will be on hand to direct you. You will make your way out to the field to the designated spectator area. If you wish to take your child after sports day has finished you will be able to collect them from Pre-school.
This year's Sports Day focuses on our school values of Respect, Honesty, Collaboration, Inclusion,
Perseverance and Responsibility. We look forward to seeing our pupils displaying these values during
the event with the chance to win extra points for their House by displaying these values.
Pupils will need to come into school wearing a sporty top, shorts and trainers. Please could pupils
remove ALL jewellery before coming into school. We are hoping for warm weather so please make sure
your child has a water bottle and sun hat (sun cream must be applied before coming into school) and
any medications they may require e.g. inhaler for asthma
We look forward to welcoming you to this event and hope for some nice warm, dry weather.