Move Up, Stay Up (MUSU) is an incentive to support transition between each year group and to reduce any anxiety from stakeholders. Teachers and school staff will get to meet their class and have the classrooms/areas set up in readiness for MUSU. Pupils will know where their classroom is and which staff will be working with them. Parents will have the opportunity for Meet the Teacher meetings in July and share any concerns before the holidays.
During MUSU teachers will teach morning lessons as normal and set out clear expectations for behaviour, routines, handwriting and presentation. The afternoon sessions will be opportunities for all to take part in activities to build strong relationships.
Pre-school and nursery pupils will have opportunities for stay and play in Reception whilst staff also undertake home visits.
Reception pupils will spend a mix of their time in both the EYFS and Year 1 environment for a balanced transition.
Year 1-5 will move up to their new classrooms.
Year 6 will have a transition package in readiness for secondary school, including timetable reading, Year 7 transition units and a legacy project.
Classes will remain as they are mostly with some movement of pupils who staff feel would be better suited to another cohort group or teacher - this will be a discussion with the class teacher, year leader and SLT. This will be shared before MUSU with parents with clear reasoning explained.
This is currently the residential week for Year 4 so we will discuss the best staffing nearer the time. Pupils on this day will enter the school as normal to their current class room and teacher and then will be directed to their new classroom/teacher. From Tuesday 9th they will be expected to go to their new classroom on arrival. Vulnerable pupils may need a longer transition and this will be arranged by the class teacher and Mr Taylor.